Daily Mains

1st Feb

  1. Make an account of the different types of soils and their distribution in India.


  • Give a brief introduction about soils.
  • Discuss various types of soils along with their distribution areas.
  • Conclude appropriately.

2nd Feb


What are the original objectives of “Make in India”? Critically examine the reasons, why the Make in India could not achieve desired success.

3rd Feb


Enumerate the key Highlights of the Union Budget 2021-22. Given the lessons learnt during the pandemic, do you think the budget offers proper solutions to the issues faced in public health? Critically analyze. (250 words)


4th Feb


The mutiny of 1857 was much more than a Mutiny of Sepoys and much less than a National Rebellion.” Comment. (250 words)

Daily Mains Practice


“Big tech became indispensable part of our day-to-day lives and hence it is neither easy to ban / curtail their services nor easy to regulate them”. Discuss.


Daily Mains Practice


  1. In spite of the clear Supreme Court judgment, why the dust never settles between Lieutenant Governor and the Council of Ministers?


Daily Mains Practice


    1. What are glacial outbursts? Discuss the concerns caused by such phenomena with suitable examples?

Daily Mains Practice


  1. Insurance and Primary health care are prerequisites to achieve universal healthcare. How far is India from achieving Universal healthcare


Daily Mains Practice


1. What are trans-fats? Why they are dangerous for human consumption and benifits of banning them?


Daily Mains Practice


1. Brexit, International tensions and COVID-19, have disturbed the the European Union. Discuss . Also what will be its impact on the EU-India relations? (250 words)


Daily Mains Practice


  1. The freedom of decision of his/ her marriage shall lie with the person only. Discuss. Also analyse how inter faith marriages can lead to communal harmony?


Daily Mains Practice


Ending the silent pandemic of road accidents will need education, civil society cooperation and professional policing. Discuss in the light of recent recurring accidents witnessed in the country. (250 words)


Daily Mains Practice


The recent disengagement process between India and China is a promising start towards restoring peace in the border area However, there are many other issues that needed to be resolved to establish lasting peace. Comment. (250 words)


Notification for 2022-2023 New IAS batch training

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JSSTICE has an excellent training infrastructure, a beautiful and spacious building, two hostels, a well-stocked library, a computer wing, adequate classrooms, seminar hall, meeting room apart from office space.

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