Books List


- Indian Polity by Laxmikanth


- Magbook
- Macroeconomics – NCERT Class XII
- Indian Economic Development – NCERT Class XI
- Economic Survey (Selective reading from --Prelims perspective)
- The Hindu
- Internet for understanding concepts (Arthapedia, Google, Youtube)

Ancient History of India

- Old NCERT by RS Sharma

Medieval History of India

- Old NCERT by Satish Chandra (Selective Reading)

Modern History

- A Brief history of Modern India- Spectrum Publications
- India’s Struggle for Independence – Bipan Chandra (Selective Reading)
- NCERT by Bipan Chandra (For the period 1700s to 1857)

Indian Art and Culture

- An Introduction to Indian Art – Class XI NCERT
- Chapters related to culture in Ancient and - Medieval India NCERTs
- Centre for Cultural Resource and Training (CCRT) material
- Heritage Crafts: Living Craft Traditions of India -NCERT

Environment and Biodiversity

- Shankar IAS book


- Fundamentals of Physical Geography XI NCERT
- India: Physical Environment XI NCERT
- Fundamentals of Human Geography XII NCERT
- India: People and Economy XII NCERT
- Certificate Physical and Human Geography: GC Leong
- PMFIAS (Excellent resource for understanding complex topics)
- Google and YouTube

Govt Schemes

- Govt schemes compilation by the website

General Trivia (Eg: Global groupings, Reports, Institutions, Rankings etc)

- Any coaching material
- Google

Current Affairs

- The Hindu
- JSSTICE Website

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