Training Methods
Teaching methods adopted in JSSTICE are oriented more to encourage self-study, analysis of content and participation of students in the various modes of teaching and learning. Towards that end all admitted students to All India Service stream and Karnataka Civil Service stream are organized into groups of 9 to 10 each separately for the two streams.
1. Formation of Student Teams
During the first week of the training, students are asked to form their own teams not exceeding 10 members each. They may do so based on gender, educational background or choice of optional subjects.
Assignment of learning roles is done through the groups. Students shall help each other in the learning process. Five different learning processes are conducted in groups:
- News Hour and News Analysis
- Exercises in interpretation of charts, maps, tables, graphs, précis writing
- Organizing weekly quiz competitions between the groups on the topics of subjects taught during the week
- Organizing fortnightly debates on current topics of interest by and between the groups
- Discussion of difficulties among the group members.
5. Fortnightly Essay Assignments
Every fortnightly there will be an essay test on chosen topics of current importance.
6. Fortnightly Essay Assignments
Mock interviews will be conducted and the entire process will be videotaped through CCTV and feedback shall be given to the candidates. There will be at least two Mock Interviews during the training.
7. Model Answer
The periodical changes are introduced in All India Civil Services Examination. In the same way, the candidates are required to adopt and answer the questions accordingly.
8. Class Duration / Session
The teaching faculty used to conduct each class for two hours. The same duration is revised and reduced to one and half hours per class.
The Sunday is considered as a weekly holiday instead of Wednesday.
The admission intake capacity is revised and enhanced from exciting 85 to 100 candidates.
2. Lecture Method
All subjects (7 papers) shall be taught first through normal lecture mode. Lecturers use PPTs and internet interface in the teaching wherever appropriate. Certain video shows are also done and at the end of the video show the teacher analyses and summarizes its content and relevance. Overhead projectors are available in the classrooms for use by teachers.
3. Special Lectures by Experts
The Institute invites occasionally eminent experts for special lectures. Students can also suggest names of eminent scholars and experts.
4. News Hour and News Analysis Period
The groups of 9-10 students shall be given (bi-weekly – Monday& Friday, last session, 3 to 5 PM) one or two newspapers and one or two current periodicals for reading as a group. First hour in the morning is devoted to compulsory news reading in the library. Different members of the group separately read the news and select important and relevant news, events, articles, and editorials for discussion among themselves.
After discussion in the group they prepare a summary by including major points, key words and gist for each item. They shall also scan it, photocopy it and upload it to their “Whatsapp” group.
The last session of Monday & Friday is reserved for News Analysis. All groups shall gather and one by one each group shall present the important and relevant selected news articles in the session. If the first group has presented say 10 items, second group shall not repeat any of them, any other new items shall be presented. Likewise, the process will cover all 12 newspapers daily and some journal articles. News analysis shall be moderated and controlled by a faculty member /director. All else shall be done by the students.
All relevant selected items of news shall be classified into “Economic”, “Political”, “Scientific”, “Socio-Cultural” and other items. All the photocopied items shall be kept in the respective category of box files maintained in the library. Students who miss or for revision purposes can access these news files in the Library Reference Section. Important items also shall be circulated through “Whatsapp” groups.