2 Welcome to your 11 march 1. Herath festival is one of the biggest festivals of: Kashmiri Pandits Lingayat Sect Dongria Kondh community None of the above 2. With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Nidhi (PMSSN), consider the following statements: 1. It is a non-lapsable reserve fund for Health in the Public Account. 2. Proceeds of share of health in the Health and Education Cess will be credited into PMSSN. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 1 only 2 only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2 3. With reference to the King Bhumibol World Soil Day Award, consider the following statements: 1. Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) received the prestigious “King Bhumibol World Soil Day - 2020 Award”. 2. It is an initiative of Greenpeace International. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 1 only 2 only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2 4. India and which of the following country is participating in the joint military exercise called “DUSTLIK II”? Uzbekistan Mongolia U.K France 5. Ramagundam, recently seen in news, is located in: Kerala Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu Telangana Next Time is Up!