Director’s Message

While schools and colleges impart instruction and knowledge in different subject fields, mere degrees obtained from colleges and universities are not adequate to be successful in the nationwide and statewide competitive examinations. Consequently, ambitious, hardworking and intelligent students fail to get into these services. The share of Karnataka in the All India Services is not impressive. It was this void that His Holiness Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamigalavaru saw over three decades ago and had a desire to contribute his might towards the improvement of the share of Karnataka Candidates in the All India Civil Services. His successor Swamiji, His Holiness Sri Shivarathiri Deshikendra Swamigalavaru, realised the dream of his predecessor and JSSTICE was established in 1991. Since 1996 to this date 274 persons trained at JSSTICE have passed the civil service examinations, and they are serving the country as IAS, IPS, IRS, IFS and KAS officers.

Keeping the tradition of JSS Mahavidyapeetha, this Institute has been continually evolving by improving year after year the methods of training for the competitive examinations. From this year onward a new state-of-the-art Computer Wing is being added to give students access to internet, Google, and several TV news channels. Impressive materials from TV Channels like Discovery, History, National Geography and Animal Planet are also being collected. Secondly, Daily News Analysis is being structured as a compulsory hour every day. The Institute subscribes to a dozen journals and all major newspapers whose news content on important events, problems and programmes will be analysed in the classes regularly to improve general knowledge on current affairs. Thirdly, in respect of certain components like translation, précis-writing, interpretation of graphs, tables, charts, maps, etc., there will be Practice Sessions preceded by the teaching of the basic skills related to these items. The Institute shall organise students into groups, conduct quiz competitions and weekly and fortnightly debates on current issues as regular components of training. It is hoped that these skills will enhance the ability of students to be successful in competitive examinations of IAS, IPS, IRS, IFS and KAS.

On this occasion, we respectfully pay of our homage to the vision of his Holiness Jagadguru Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamigalavaru. We salute the present pontiff His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamigalavaru who is our guiding light, patron and philanthropist.

Sri M. B. Dyaberi, IAS (Retd.)

Honorary Director/JSSTICE