Topic 1: Jagadish Chandra Bose

Context: A group of researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel reported that they had been able to pick up distress noises made by plants which was already shown by Jagadish Chandra Bose more than a century ago.

Who was JC Bose:

Topic 2: Deadnaming

Context: Twitter has removed a policy that prohibited misgendering or deadnaming of transgender people on the social media platform.

What is deadnaming?

Topic 2: UN population report

Context: India is now the most populous country in the world, having overtaken China in population, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) said in its State of World Population (SOWP) report, ‘8 Billion Lives, Infinite Possibilities’, released recently.

Highlights of the report


Topic 3: YZ Ceti b

Context: Astronomers have detected a repeating radio signal from an exoplanet, YZ Ceti b, suggesting the presence of a magnetic field — one of the prerequisites for a habitable planet — around it.

What is YZ Ceti B:

What are exoplanets?

What is a Magnetic Field?

Why does the magnetic field of this exoplanet matter?

Topic 4: Web 3

Context: A decentralised web that caters to the next generation of the Internet, leveraging blockchain technology to create a more open and transparent web called Web3 is in the talks.

About Web3

Key features of Web3

How is Web3 different from Web2?

Challenges for Web3


Topic 5: Circular Economy

Context: Union Minister says, India set to be major contributor to world’s “Circular Economy”.

What is a circular economy?

Circular economy for electronic waste

Importance in India

Benefits of Circular Economy

Government Initiatives

E-Waste Management Policy

Year Policy Objective Applicability
2008 Guidelines for Environmentally Sound Management of E-Waste It categorized e-waste based on its numerous constituents and compositions and placed a strong emphasis on E-waste management and treatment procedures.The policy included ideas like Extended Producer Responsibility. Producer and end-of-line player in the supply chain
2011 The E-waste (Management and Handling) Rules The terms “electrical and electronic equipment” and “e-waste” refer to waste electrical and electronic equipment, whole or in part, or rejects from their manufacturing and repair process, which are intended to be thrown away. Producer, consumer or bulk consumer, collection centre,dismantler and recycler
2016 E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 Electrical and electronic waste, including both whole and unfinished discarded equipment from their manufacture and repair processes, is referred to as “e-waste” and “electrical and electronic equipment. Expanded to the manufacturersdealersrefurbishers, and Producer ResponsibilityOrganization (PRO)


Road Ahead


Topic 6: Same sex marriage and civil union in India (updated from 19th April 2023)

Context: The CJI clarified that the hearing of a batch of petitions seeking legal recognition of same sex marriage scope would be limited to developing a notion of a “civil union” that finds legal recognition under the Special Marriage Act.

What is a civil union?

Arguments against same-sex marriage

Arguments in favour of same-sex marriage

The Government’s Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage

Key Supreme Court verdicts that moved the needle on LGBTQ rights in India:

The Way Forward For India

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